Bienvenue au Lycée Polyvalent Léopold Elfort !

Etwinning project update - Survey about cultural habits

Our first-year students in International Commerce have carried out a survey about cultural habits in French Guiana and in Germany. The aim of this survey is to compare the German culture with the French Guianese culture.

First of all, our students have created a questionnaire (You can see it below). Then, they have filled it out and they have sent it to the German students so that they too could fill it out.

Below you can see the results of the survey for Germany and French Guiana.

The etwinning project keeps moving forward !

Lycée Léopold Elfort

Savane Sarcelles
465 av. Paule Berthelot
97360 MANA

Tel : 0594 27 80 43
Fax : 0594 27 86 53

Directeur de la publication : Gilles BAYARD, Proviseur du lycée

Webmestre du site internet : Guillaume CHASTELLIERE

ASSISTANCE INFORMATIQUE Uniquement accessible à partir des ordinateurs du lycée