Bienvenue au Lycée Polyvalent Léopold Elfort !

**********In English************

Dear English-speaking partners, this section of the website is all about our Higher Technical Certificate in International Commerce. It will give you more information about our training program.

If you are interested in taking one or more interns, you will find what can be expected from our students. Our students must complete a 8-week internship abroad in the first year of the training program. In the second year, they have to complete a 4-week internship in France or abroad.

If you have further questions, please contact us at : btscimana@gmail.com

Lycée Léopold Elfort

Savane Sarcelles
465 av. Paule Berthelot
97360 MANA

Tel : 0594 27 80 43
Fax : 0594 27 86 53

Directeur de la publication : Gilles BAYARD, Proviseur du lycée

Webmestre du site internet : Guillaume CHASTELLIERE

ASSISTANCE INFORMATIQUE Uniquement accessible à partir des ordinateurs du lycée