Bienvenue au Lycée Polyvalent Léopold Elfort !

Join us on Facebook !

The students of our BTS Commerce International and their teachers are happy to let you know that we have a Facebook page.

You can access our Facebook page by clicking on the image below :

This Facebook page has three aims :

  • To make sure that our training program has name recognition in French Guiana and beyond ;
  • To communicate with our partners (especially all the companies which have taken or are ready to take interns) ;
  • To highlight the skills acquired by our students.

Have a nice visit on our Facebook page !

Lycée Léopold Elfort

Savane Sarcelles
465 av. Paule Berthelot
97360 MANA

Tel : 0594 27 80 43
Fax : 0594 27 86 53

Directeur de la publication : Gilles BAYARD, Proviseur du lycée

Webmestre du site internet : Guillaume CHASTELLIERE

ASSISTANCE INFORMATIQUE Uniquement accessible à partir des ordinateurs du lycée