The second-year internship : What is it all about ?

Mis à jour le jeudi 28 janvier 2016 , par Guillaume CHASTELLIERE, webmestre

The second-year internship lasts 5 weeks. It may be done in France or abroad. This internship is about import and export operations.

The student will acquire professional skills and put into practice the knowledge gained from his education in view of earning a Higher Technical Certificate in International Commerce, and facilitating his professional integration.

The intern will be given one or more tasks related to the management of import and export operations.


  • Coordination of support services for import/export business
  • Ensuring document management operations

For instance, the intern may :

In an industrial firm, which imports products :

  • take part in the running of import operations according to the incoterm chosen by the company (transport and customs clearance)
  • follow the administrative import chain from the order issued to the supplier, all the way to his payment
  • take part in the search and selection of suppliers.

In an industrial firm, which exports products :

  • take part in the preparation of the order, prepare the documents of the administrative export chain
  • contact service providers (quotations request to the forwarding agent, instructions for the removal of the goods …)
  • monitor the recovery of debts, analyze payment techniques (documentary credit …), implement necessary insurances

In a forwarder company :

  • implement logistics services requested by the customer : relations with transport companies, quotation, preparation of documents,
  • take part in customs clearance activities and prepare customs documents


  • Send an inquiry to shortlisted suppliers
  • Prepare and organize the negotiation with a foreign supplier
  • Evaluate offers and suppliers
  • Coordinate the administration of sales and purchases
  • Realize the follow up of the document chain (import and export)
  • Identify and implement alternative solutions to overcome difficulties
  • Perform quality control
  • Adopt a loyal attitude and know how to preserve the interests of the company
  • Ensure smooth operations by implementing appropriate procedures, avoid problems and conflicts
  • Allocate time and ressources efficiently
  • Establish stable relationships with relevant partners

Thank you for showing interest in our training program !!!

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