Our school is part of a new eTwinning project with a German school
Mis à jour le lundi 14 juin 2021 , par
Léopold Elfort High School has just created a new eTwinning project with a German school in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany.

Our partner is Walter-Eucken-Berufskolleg and is located in Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia and a major economic and cultural center in Germany.
As of September 2021, our students will have the opportunity to work together with German students. They will communicate mainly in English.
Below you will find the description of the project that has been validated by the eTwinning agency.

The aim of this project is to bring distant territories closer and to develop the intercultural skills of our students.
It is all about international commerce between mainland Europe and its outermost regions.
Students will use ICT tools.
Educational objectives :
- Developing communication skills and language skills
- Developing the idea of European citizenship
- Developing intercultural skills
- Exchanges in the framework of a KA1 Erasmus+ project (Staff mobility for teaching or training)
- Improving vocational integration, increasing employability.
- Helping find internships
Pedagogical objectives :
- Developing intercultural skills (it is of paramount importance)
- Developing cooperative work
- Using ICT tools in a context of collaboration and exchange : publishing, oral productions
Curriculum objectives :
- Working respecting the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Expressing oneself orally : spoken production
- Improving the knowledge of European countries
- Acquiring cultural and intercultural knowledge
Responsibilities :
Responsibilities will be shared among the teaching teams of both schools.
Calendar of activities :
Students will start working together as of September 2021.
Involvement of pupils :
Students will exchange information about their own culture and discuss how important business etiquette is in international commerce. They will also take part in role plays (business negotiation).
Activities :
- Written correspondence
- Oral productions
- Oral interaction
- Questionnaires (market survey for example)
- Creation of podcasts and videos illustrating professional situations
Below you will find the timeline of the project :
Wir bedanken uns bei unseren deutschen Kollegen für ihr Interesse an der Partnerschaft mit unserer Schule.

Documents joints
Etwinning project timeline (Word version)
DOCX - 19.6 kio
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