Etwinning project : first video-conference with the German students

Mis à jour le vendredi 21 février 2025 , par Guillaume CHASTELLIERE, webmestre

The first video-conference with the German students has taken place today ! It has been a great success !

The German class in Düsseldorf

Our students have been delighted to take part in this video-conference !

The students who have presented several aspects of the Bushinengue culture

The written productions related to the project are available on the eTwinning platform :

Link to our Twinspace

Below, you will find the impressions of some of our students :

Audrisno : I was the first student to make my presentation on the video-conference so it was a little bit nerve-racking and I talked about Açai, a little fruit which looks like blueberry. I think the video-conference was great ! The German students seemed interested in the subject and it was great practice to better my English.

Céfora : The video-conference was good. The students asked questions and were interested, I was a little stressed but it was ok. :)

Charmaine : According to me, the video conversation was very good. It was a big opportunity for me to talk with the German students. The students from Germany were open-minded and that’s what I appreciated the most during our conversation.

Garencely : This is a big opportunity and experience for me to communicate with German students in English. It allows me to practice my English and to get to know German students a little more. It allows me to find a German student who supports the same team as me (Real Madrid). This is a great pleasure for me to present to German students a dish from my culture (haitian fried plantain).

Guillaume CHASTELLIERE, Lehrer für Außenhandel : Das war eine sehr gelungene Videokonferenz. Technisch und organisatorisch hat alles gut geklappt ! Das hat mir große Freude bereitet. Ich bedanke mich herzlich bei meiner deutschen Kollegin, Lisa Lefur-Golkar, für sein wunderbares Engagement im Projekt und bei den deutschen Studenten für ihr Mitmachen und Interesse an unseren Präsentationen ! Weiter so !

First-year students in International Commerce

Supervised by Mr CHASTELLIERE, Teacher in International Commerce

The etwinning project keeps moving forward !

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