Modèles de courriels en anglais à envoyer aux entreprises

Mis à jour le lundi 9 septembre 2024 , par Guillaume CHASTELLIERE, webmestre

Voici des modèles de courriels à envoyer aux entreprises.

Email à envoyer à votre contact dans une entreprise pour solliciter un stage

Subject line : Application for an internship

Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m a student in international commerce. I would like to apply for a training period within your company from 28th April to 4th July 2025.
You will find attached my resume (CV), my cover letter, an internship agreement and the leaflet of our training program.
If you want more information about the training program, please click on the link below :
Link to the website of our training program
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Yours sincerely,

En pièces jointes (attachments in English), vous mettez :
• votre CV intitulé CV Jean DUPOND
• votre lettre de motivation intitulé Cover letter Jean DUPOND
• la plaquette en anglais intitulée Leaflet for the BTS Intl Commerce
• la convention de stage en anglais intitulée Internship agreement

Email à envoyer à votre contact dans une entreprise pour le remercier de vous avoir accepté en stage

Subject line : Taliana’s internship from 1st June to 31st July

Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m a student in international commerce and you have accepted to take me as an intern within your company. I would like to thank you for that.
As it is mentioned in the internship agreement, my internship will last 8 weeks (from 1st June to 31st July).
Moreover, I would like to let you know what this 8-weeks internship is about. You will find some useful information by clicking on the link below :
Link to the website of our training program
You will find attached my resume (CV) and my cover letter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Yours sincerely,

Taliana GORDON
Higher Technical Certificate in International Commerce
Léopold Elfort High school
Mana, French Guiana

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