Bienvenue au Lycée Polyvalent Léopold Elfort !

Erasmus+ Mobilities of our students in International Commerce

During this school year, ten mobilities have been undertaken in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme : nine student mobilities and one staff mobility.

Nine students in International Commerce have carried out their 10-week internships abroad. They have recieved an Erasmus+ grant. With the new charter, mobilities outside the EU may also be subsidised by Erasmus+. This possibility is very useful for our students inasmuch as many of them carry out their internships in Suriname.

Below are some pictures sent by the students.

Ariel at ALLES NV in Paramaribo
Mercrine at Fondation des professeurs de français in Paramaribo
Jean-Yves at Laparkan in Paramaribo
Yamina at Tomsa Destil in Madrid

A staff mobility has also been organized. Mr Chastellière, teacher in International Commerce, has spent two weeks in Walter-Eucken Berufskolleg, a high school located in Düsseldorf, the capital of the most populated German Land North Rhine-Westphalia.

We are grateful to the Erasmus+ agency for the financial support given to our school. This is a much-needed and invaluable support for our students !

Lycée Léopold Elfort

Savane Sarcelles
465 av. Paule Berthelot
97360 MANA

Tel : 0594 27 80 43
Fax : 0594 27 86 53

Directeur de la publication : Gilles BAYARD, Proviseur du lycée

Webmestre du site internet : Guillaume CHASTELLIERE

ASSISTANCE INFORMATIQUE Uniquement accessible à partir des ordinateurs du lycée